3M™ Controltac™ Graphic 180mC Series With Comply™ Adhesive

Designed for solvent/eco-solvent and UV printers Ultra versatile to wrap just about anything 3M Envision Print Wrap Film LX480mC Designed for latex and UV printers. The ultra versatile to wrap just about anything and made this the best film for application.

NEW 3M Envision Matte Wrap Over-laminate 8550M The ONLY non-pvc matte wrap over-laminate on the market* Great for textured and smooth walls, and vehicles to reduce glare Offers excellent durability, plus horizontal warranty Use with Envision Print Wrap and cast vinyl print films 3M Envision Luster Wrap Over-laminate 8549L The ONLY non-PVC luster wrap over-laminate on the market* Offers excellent durability, plus horizontal warranty Use with Envision Print Wrap and cast vinyl print films
3M™ Controltac™ Graphic 180mC Series With Comply™ Adhesive Provides exceptional gloss and clarity Allows squeegee to glide smoothly and resists squeegee scratches Offers excellent durability, plus horizontal warranty.
Use with Envision Print Wrap and cast vinyl print films.
These 3M innovations mean business.
Imagine non-PVC films that can even outperform 3M cast vinyl films.
3M™ Controltac™ Graphic Film include everything you know and love: excellent print quality, slide ability, snap-up (reposition ability), heated film recovery and ComplyTM Adhesive with micro technology. Plus more: better conformability and lifting resistance. Non-visible channel pattern for a smooth finish. The ability to wrap just about anything. And a greener solution. We call these films a major breakthrough. You’ll call them revolutionary
When non-PVC film is this conformable and versatile, why use anything else?
Since 2012, you’ve embraced 3M™ Controltac™ Graphic Film. With their breakthrough boost in attributes and greener approach, this non-PVC, high-performing film goes practically anywhere and can do practically anything. And now, installs are even easier: ComplyTM Adhesive with micro technology provides excellent air release for smooth results.

If you would like to find out more or book a site consultation for graphic film, please contact us today at +852 5282 4452.